Hosea 7-9
Daily Devotional from Hosea 8--
Verse 4
They have installed kings, but not through me. They have appointed leaders, but without my approval. They make their silver and gold into idols for themselves for their own destruction.
God still has a disdain for idol worship. We may not carve images and bow down to them -- but we tend to worship idols of our own making. What do you spend your money on? Your time? Your energy? Maybe it's entertainment. Maybe it's yourself. Whatever you dedicate your thoughts and energy to more than God, is an idol. Idols lead to self-destruction-- But the True God leads to flourishing life.
Robin Miller
Verse 4
They have installed kings, but not through me. They have appointed leaders, but without my approval. They make their silver and gold into idols for themselves for their own destruction.
Reading the Old Testament, we quickly recognize God's disdain for idol worship. God didn't even let the Israelites carve out an idol for him! Yet, over and over, the Israelites would look to their neighboring nations and want to be like them instead of what they were called to do--point other nations to the One True God. Israel was supposed to be different--they were to be a blessing.
God still has a disdain for idol worship. We may not carve images and bow down to them -- but we tend to worship idols of our own making. What do you spend your money on? Your time? Your energy? Maybe it's entertainment. Maybe it's yourself. Whatever you dedicate your thoughts and energy to more than God, is an idol. Idols lead to self-destruction-- But the True God leads to flourishing life.
Is there an idol that God is asking you to tear down today?
Robin Miller