Acts 23
Daily Devotional from Acts 23--
Verse 11 (CSB)
The following night, the Lord stood by [Paul] and said, “Have courage! For as you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so it is necessary for you to testify in Rome.”
Paul has been in a very precarious situation over the last few chapters (and will continue through the rest of Acts). He is consistently on trial for preaching and teaching the good news of Jesus.
He utilizes these trials and the persecution as opportunities to share his own testimony of the goodness of Jesus. There was much aggression towards Paul in Jerusalem and it was only a matter of time before they would take his life. But Jesus met Paul while he was in prison to encourage him to be prepared to testify again in Rome.
The Holy Spirit is here to encourage you and to stand by you while you continue to speak his word to a hostile world. You aren’t alone. Take courage. The God of the universe is with you as you tell the world of his greatness and his saving power.
There will be hostility, but Jesus is here to remind you that you have him on your side.
Robin Miller
Verse 11 (CSB)
The following night, the Lord stood by [Paul] and said, “Have courage! For as you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so it is necessary for you to testify in Rome.”
Paul has been in a very precarious situation over the last few chapters (and will continue through the rest of Acts). He is consistently on trial for preaching and teaching the good news of Jesus.
He utilizes these trials and the persecution as opportunities to share his own testimony of the goodness of Jesus. There was much aggression towards Paul in Jerusalem and it was only a matter of time before they would take his life. But Jesus met Paul while he was in prison to encourage him to be prepared to testify again in Rome.
The Holy Spirit is here to encourage you and to stand by you while you continue to speak his word to a hostile world. You aren’t alone. Take courage. The God of the universe is with you as you tell the world of his greatness and his saving power.
There will be hostility, but Jesus is here to remind you that you have him on your side.
Robin Miller