
Acts 24

Daily Devotional from Acts 24--

Verses 10b, 16
I cheerfully make my defense…So I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.

Though Paul was accused and imprisoned unfairly, he spoke with cheerfulness. He spoke in his own defense with a “clear conscience.” He was not fearful of what might happen or incensed at the injustice of his situation. He knew the accusations were baseless and he simply stated the truth to the governor. While Felix kept him in custody, he listened to Paul on several occasions. Paul minced no words, much to Felix’ alarm. Though Felix’ motivation was financial, nevertheless the gospel was preached to him and consequently to those around him.

When we are called to give account for our faith, we too can speak with confidence and cheer, knowing that our future is in our Lord’s hands. Though it may not result in the outcome we desire, it provides further opportunities to share Jesus and to rely on his Holy Spirit.

Lord, help us, like Paul, to respond in faith and fearlessness in challenging and difficult situations. Help us to glorify your name in our words and deeds.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Carol Wong


