Romans 2
Daily Devotional from Romans 2 –
Verse 4
Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?
For unbelievers, this verse is about rejecting Christ, giving no thought to Him or how he has patiently waited for them to accept his offer of love and mercy.
For believers, this may be seen as hardening our hearts, closing our eyes and ears to the Holy Spirit. Jesus continually offers in kindness to lead us in the way we should go; he withholds punishment that we deserve (forbearance), and is patient with us when we repeatedly struggle or fall (longsuffering). This is all made possible through His death on the cross, where he took our punishment and paid the price to redeem us with his own precious blood.
“The Lord's goodness ought to be admired and to be adored…His goodness ought to be wondered at and told as a marvel in the ears of others…” ~Charles Spurgeon 1883
Let’s respond with admiration and adoration, wondering at his goodness and sharing the marvel of it with others.
Carol Wong
Verse 4
Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?
For unbelievers, this verse is about rejecting Christ, giving no thought to Him or how he has patiently waited for them to accept his offer of love and mercy.
For believers, this may be seen as hardening our hearts, closing our eyes and ears to the Holy Spirit. Jesus continually offers in kindness to lead us in the way we should go; he withholds punishment that we deserve (forbearance), and is patient with us when we repeatedly struggle or fall (longsuffering). This is all made possible through His death on the cross, where he took our punishment and paid the price to redeem us with his own precious blood.
“The Lord's goodness ought to be admired and to be adored…His goodness ought to be wondered at and told as a marvel in the ears of others…” ~Charles Spurgeon 1883
Let’s respond with admiration and adoration, wondering at his goodness and sharing the marvel of it with others.
Carol Wong