Romans 5
Daily Devotional from Romans 5--
Verse 6
For while we were still helpless, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly.
Have you ever felt ungodly? Like, nothing you do is good enough for God? Maybe you feel as if there was no way that God could ever be pleased with you or that maybe you’ve been a disappointment one too many times?
Paul is making a bold statement here. Those whom Jesus died for are not the religious people who do everything “right.” He died for those who feel as if they have no hope. Who feel as if they can’t ever be right with God.
That means that YOU are the one whom Jesus died for. Through the power of his death and resurrection, you are reconciled to God and justified—just because you have faith in Jesus. All of that sin, pain, frustration, etc., that you feel was taken to the cross and put to death there and you are made clean in the eyes of God.
Your ungodliness was turned into Godliness through the cross. Jesus took care of YOU.
Rest in that today.
Robin Miller