Galatians 2
Daily Devotional from Galatians 2--
Verse 20
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Paul was opposing those who were teaching non-Jewish believers that they weren’t truly saved unless they followed the Law—mainly by getting circumcised. Paul stood up for Gentiles—reminding the other apostles (like Peter) that the Gospel is for everyone, and that we are saved by faith and trust in Jesus.
Saying that, he goes on to this powerful statement in verse 20. When we put our faith in Jesus, we put our flesh to death—and are born again into the family of God. What a beautiful thing! Instead of choosing to live bound by sin and death, we choose freedom and love in Christ.
Today, if you’re getting caught up in “doing” for Jesus and not “being” with Jesus—stop moving, take a seat, and sit with Him by reading His word, speaking to Him in prayer, singing praise to Him, and listening to the Holy Spirit’s voice.
Annika Sullenger
Verse 20
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Paul was opposing those who were teaching non-Jewish believers that they weren’t truly saved unless they followed the Law—mainly by getting circumcised. Paul stood up for Gentiles—reminding the other apostles (like Peter) that the Gospel is for everyone, and that we are saved by faith and trust in Jesus.
Saying that, he goes on to this powerful statement in verse 20. When we put our faith in Jesus, we put our flesh to death—and are born again into the family of God. What a beautiful thing! Instead of choosing to live bound by sin and death, we choose freedom and love in Christ.
Today, if you’re getting caught up in “doing” for Jesus and not “being” with Jesus—stop moving, take a seat, and sit with Him by reading His word, speaking to Him in prayer, singing praise to Him, and listening to the Holy Spirit’s voice.
Annika Sullenger