
1 Timothy 2

Daily Devotional from 1 Timothy 2--

Verses 1-4
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people…

Paul urges us to make for all people:
Supplications (requests of God)
Prayers (general concerns)
Intercessions (for specific needs/difficulties)
Thanksgivings (expressions of gratitude to the Lord)

He makes a point of urging us to pray for “all who are in high positions” and even gives us reasons for doing it:
  • So we may live peaceful, quiet lives
  • So in that peace we live with godliness and dignity
  • For it is good and pleasing to God our Savior
  • For our Lord desires all people to be saved

Isn’t it amazing that we can bring pleasure to God? By our obedience in prayer, we participate in establishing peace through Him and fulfilling His desire that everyone be saved and know the truth. We can lay all that we care about at His feet, for He is a wonderful God, willing and able to take on all our burdens!

Carol Wong
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