
Hebrews 2

Daily Devotional from Hebrews 2--

Verse 10
For it was fitting that he [God], for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make [Jesus] the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering.

We know that Jesus suffered and died for our salvation. We talk about that often; it’s the basis of our faith. Our immortal souls are saved from eternal torture, to eternal rest and joy because of His work on the cross.

But I love what the author says here at the end of this verse: Jesus was made perfect through suffering. He was made complete, fully formed. Through suffering. God sometimes takes us through times of suffering in order to bring our character or faith to fullness or completion.

Sometimes we need to learn the lessons that are only learned in the fire. We have bad attitudes or ideas that need to be burned out of our mind and yes that’s painful but Jesus did it for us; we can do it for Him. He did it alone; we get to do it with him by our side, loving and strengthening us. If you are suffering through something today, take heart. Look for what God might be trying to do in you through it!

Audrey Rogers
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