
Hebrews 9

Daily Devotional from Hebrews 9--

Verse 28
So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.

Man, I’m so thankful for Jesus’ sacrifice. Could you imagine if we still had to sacrifice animals and sprinkle blood and do all the things the Israelites used to do? Because of Jesus, we don’t have to, what a relief right? Jesus paid the ultimate price: it can’t be added to and it can’t be taken away from. Christ alone through faith alone makes us right with God. When we believed, Jesus’ blood had already been spilled for us; we get what people in the Old Testament longed for. The Messiah has already come.

But just as they waited for the Messiah to appear, we too wait for his second coming. What a glorious day that will be when all the believers will be completely freed from the effects of sin and this world as it is. So look forward with hope because we serve a God who is true to His word and will do what He has said.

Brendan League


