2 Chronicles 28-29
on July 19th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 28--Verse 10And now you intend to subjugate the people of Judah and Jerusalem, male and female, as your slaves. Have you not sins of your own against the Lord your God?Because of their idol worship, God allowed judgment to come upon the kingdom of Judah. The Syrian king and his forces and even the kingdom of Israel came against the kingdom of Judah. They defeated...  Read More
2 Chronicles 26-27
on July 17th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 27—Verse 6So Jotham became mighty, because he ordered his ways before the Lord his God.To order our ways can speak of organizing our priorities. Our priorities will determine how we live our life, and the things that are most important to us will be evident by the way we spend our time and money. When I was in college, learning how to ‘adult’, I never had enough ...  Read More
2 Chronicles 24-25
on July 17th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 25--Verse 9The Lord is able to give you much more than this.But Lord, these illegal drugs are worth so much money, and now you’re asking me to flush them down the toilet? But Lord, I’ve already put two years into this degree, and now you’re calling me in a new direction? But Lord, we’ve already given our tithes this month, and now you’re prompting us to give anot...  Read More
2 Chronicles 22-23
on July 15th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 22--Verse 11But Jehoshabeath, the daughter of the king, took Joash the son of Ahaziah and stole him away from among the king’s sons who were about to be put to death, and she put him and his nurse in a bedroom. Thus Jehoshabeath, the daughter of King Jehoram and wife of Jehoiada the priest, because she was a sister of Ahaziah, hid him from Athaliah, so that she d...  Read More
2 Chronicles 20-21
on July 14th, 2023
Verse 17You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, and the Lord will be with you.Isn’t God great? He tells us to not fear in the Bible a couple hundred times. It’s actually the most said thing in the Bible. Israel at many ti...  Read More
2 Chronicles 18-19
on July 13th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 18--Verses 12-13 (CSB)The messenger who had gone to summon Micaiah said to him, “Look, the other prophets without exception are predicting success for the king. Let your word agree with theirs, and speak favorably.”But Micaiah said, “As surely as the Lord lives, I can tell him only what my God says.”Can you imagine how intimidating it would be to be the only dive...  Read More
2 Chronicles 16-17
on July 12th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 16--In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa was diseased in his feet, and his disease became severe. Yet even in his disease he did not seek the Lord, but sought help from physicians.King Asa of Judah had a difficult time trusting the Lord.Late in his reign, he developed a foot disease and did not seek the Lord’s help, but instead sought help from physicians.Ea...  Read More
2 Chronicles 14-15
on July 11th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 15—Verse 2b“Hear me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin: The Lord is with you while you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.”“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” – favorite words of mine, repeated many times in many different books of the Bible. They resonate with me because I’ve never had an earth...  Read More
2 Chronicles 12-13
on July 10th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 13--Verse 18The men of Judah prevailed, because they relied on the LORD, the God of their fathers.Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote on the virtue of self-reliance, Norman Vincent Peale spoke on the power of positive thinking, and Frank Sinatra sang from the bottom of his heart—"I did it my way!" As Americans, we’ve been baptized in the spirit of independence and trained ...  Read More
2 Chronicles 10-11
on July 8th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 10--Verse 8But he abandoned the counsel that the old men gave him, and took counsel with the young men who had grown up with him and stood before him.Rehoboam ignored the elders and instead decided to listen to his young friends. This fulfilled God’s promise to make Jeroboam a king of Israel, but what would have happened if Rehoboam had dealt peacefully with Isra...  Read More
2 Chronicles 8-9
on July 7th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 9--Verses 22-23Thus King Solomon excelled all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom. And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put into his mind.I can imagine it was quite the spectacle to go and see Solomon. The man had everything. God granted him wisdom that impressed everyone. He was the richest an...  Read More
2 Chronicles 6-7
on July 6th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 7--Verse 1 (CSB)When Solomon finished praying, fire descended from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.There are three significant moments when fire descended from Heaven as approval from the Lord for his dwelling place: At the Tabernacle (Leviticus 9:24), The dedication of the temple (this instan...  Read More


